In 1993, Geninho Thomé started producing implants in Brazil. Over the following 2 decades, his company, Neodent, would experienced tremendous growth in Latin America and Southern Europe, becoming the market leader in Brazil and selling over 5 million implants to 30,000 clinicians worldwide. Strauman acquired 100% of Neodent in 2015, making Dr. Thome the only billionaire dentist in Brazil.
The Neodent Easy Guide system appeared on the market in 2017 with the promise of making the guided implant surgery simpler and faster for the dental surgeon, compared to working to Neodent’s primary Grand Morse system.
By removing the need for drill handles, the Easy Guide system offers the possibility to “work with just one hand”, position a good variety of implants and simplify the drilling sequence.
The term “work with just one hand” may sound strange when we are talking about surgery. However, a drilling system carried out directly on the sleeves of the surgical guide, without the need to attach additional parts, allows the Dentist to do just this. The conventional Grand Morse system uses additional color-coded wrenches to adapt the sleeve to fit different drill diameters, and requires the use of two hands.
The Grand Morse Kit
Despite being an efficient system, the numerous varieties of parts can make the surgical procedure confusing and more time consuming. There is also not a burr limitation system, thereforethere is a need for the dentist to hold this part with one hand while drilling with the other, always paying attention not to drill more than necessary, as this system does not have a stop.
The Easy Guide Kit
The easy guide system was designed for the dentist to use the burs directly in contact with the sleeves of the surgical guide.There is no longer any need for an intermediate part, leaving the dentist with more freedom during the surgical procedure. In addition, the system has stops that prevent performing the osteotomy beyond the planned limit, respecting the maximum limit of the length of the implant. This guarantees a safer drilling process when compared to conventional systems.
Unlike the conventional Grand Morse system, the easy guide surgical kit is divided into two categories. The narrow implant surgery kit and the regular implant surgery kit. In this way, it was possible to build a more simplified milling sequence, reducing the number of surgical parts, with the aim of facilitating the entire process and still working with a good variety of implants.
The narrow implant surgical kit was specifically developed for the narrow 3.5mm and 3.75mm diameter implants. The kit can be used for implants of 8, 10, 11.5 and 13 mm in length. It has the following configuration:

The regular surgical kit can be used for positioning 4, 4.3 and 5mm diameter implants. As with the narrow kit, implants of 8, 10, 11.5 and 13 mm can be positioned. It has the following configuration:

A drawback back compared to the conventional gran morse kit, is that the Easy guide system cannot be used for the positioning of implants with a diameter of 6 mm or implants with a length of 16 mm.
Finally, a significant advantage of the easy guide system is the ease found in the drilling sequence. The system has 3 initial parts (the first two being optional) that have the punch function, bone regularization and cortical perforation. In sequence, the drilling sequence will be performed, directly on the sleeve of the surgical guide, as shown in the images:
Drilling sequence for the narrow system:

Drilling sequence for the regular system:

After the drilling protocol, the implant will be installed using the driver directly on the guide itself. This makes this system fully guided. Some implant systems use the guide to perform the milling sequence, however, the implant is installed freehand. The fact that the easy guide system offers the possibility of installing the implant through the surgical sleeve itself can be considered an additional advantage for the surgical procedure.
Drilling Sequence for different bone types
Bone I and II
Bone II and IV
The Neodent Easy Guide system offers surgical advantages through its simplicity of use, few number of parts, and straight forward drilling sequence. In addition, the system also allows the installation of implants in a 100% guided manner. One drawback is, the system cannot be used for all types and sizes of implant types and sizes of implants.