8 Surgical Guide Design Considerations for Nobel Parallel Conical Connection

8 Surgical Guide Design Considerations for Nobel Parallel Conical Connection

Important concepts and measurements to keep in mind when designing a surgical guide for uses with the Nobel Biocare Conical Connection system.

Information taken from: link

1.  There are 3 type types in the Nobel Biocare conical Connection System, NP (Narrow Platform), RP (Regular Platform) and WP (Wide platform)

2. The drills to be used for guided surgery are marked with a (+10)

3. The guided drill stop kit can be used to add a drill stop at the correct depth. The correct depth depends on the length of implant you are using. For example, for a 7mm implant, add the drill stop at 7mm marker on drill.



4. In the surgical guide, the top of the sleeve should be 9mm above the shoulder of the implant. The height of the guided drill guides is 1mm. This gives a total offset of 10mm (hence the +10 on the guided drills). The NobelGuide instrumentation is designed with these measurements in mind


5. Please note that drills extend 1mm below the bottom of the implant when seated. Allow for this additional length when drilling near vital anatomical structures.



6. The correct drill guide to use will depend on the implant size. 5mm RP and 5.5mm WP implants both use WP guided drill guides.




7. The surgical guide should allow for guided drill guide access


8. Refer to the 3Shape Drilling protocol to select the correct drills and guided drill guides. Actual drilling protocol will depend on bone quality

Implant Information:

  • Length (mm) will determine drill length
  • Diameter (mm) will determine if you use NP, RP or WP drills/guided drill guides

Sleeve Information:

  • Offset (mm) should be 9




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